This paper addresses a lack of originality in the online self-promotion of many mid-list, indie and self-published authors, investigating the strategies of authors who are making more creative use of digital technologies for their self-promotion. This research provides a practical point of guidance to other authors of fiction wishing to innovate in this way.
The literature review provides an overview of changes in global media consumption following the digital revolution. This research suggests that creative digital promotional projects might be a low-cost, high impact way of overcoming some of the resulting challenges.
Primary research is undertaken in the form of case studies, profiling three authors’ promotional projects. The effectiveness of their projects is measured in terms of increased reader/author engagement, increased online visibility, book sales, and more.
How to Cite
Flahive, G., (2017) “Digital Self-promotion for the Underdog Author: Creative Opportunities and Experimentation”, Interscript 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.14324/111.2398-4732.002