This dissertation examines a number of challenges and opportunities in digital marketing within con- temporary art book publishing. As products of a uniquely cross-pollinated strain of culture and publishing, their tactility and physicality are amongst their most appealing qualities, standing out in a world where so much takes place in a virtual space. The appeal of art books today is thought to be getting stronger and stronger as many other kinds of books dematerialise in the digital space, standing out more than ever as objects.
However, art books still have to contend with a marketing landscape where digital grows increasingly more dominant and influential each year. The differences that make art books stand out may well give rise to difficulties and challenges when it comes to marketing and selling them in a digital environment. But conversely, there could be a greater amount and broader spread of opportunities for effectively marketing art books online that would not be available to different kinds of books. This dissertation seeks to investigate how a number of art book publishers are currently using the digital marketing tools that are available to them, the effectiveness of their strategies, what challenges are being faced and which opportunities are being under-utilised.
How to Cite
Grima, M., (2017) “Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Marketing Within Contemporary Art Book Publishing”, Interscript 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.14324/111.2398-4732.001