Author: Constantinos Yiallourides (PhD Student, School of Law University of Aberdeen)
Maritime delimitation is crucial in determining which coastal States may exercise control and jurisdiction over certain hydrocarbon deposits. Although international law has recently become more precise on the matter, boundary disputes are frequently resolved only after several or even many years. Even while coastal States are in a deadlock over delimitation issues, the need to explore and exploit the disputed areas’ resources remains imperative for reasons of energy security, social welfare and economic development. Thus, the question arises as to the rights and obligations of coastal States with respect to the development of natural resources in areas subject to overlapping claims.
NB: full text available here:
Keywords: Law of the Sea, Contested Waters, Boundary Disputes, Seismic Surveys, Disputed Waters, Petroleum Operations
How to Cite: Yiallourides, C. (2016) “Oil and Gas Development in Disputed Waters under UNCLOS”, Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. 5(1).