Henri Meschonnic (1932–2009) is a relatively unknown figure in the Anglophone world. A French poet, linguist, and translator, he has authored several texts about translation, only one of which has been translated into English: Ethics and Politics of Translating (2011). Dr Marko Pajević’s exploration of Henri Meschonnic’s philosophy of language, given as a part of the UCL Translation in History lecture series on 23 October 2014, provided an informative introduction to the translation theory of this controversial French thinker. The present review describes the main aspects of Meschonnic’s poetics addressed by Dr Pajević during his lecture.
How to Cite
Kadiu, S., (2015) “Exploring Henri Meschonnic’s Poetics of Translating”, Opticon1826 17(1), Art. 1. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/opt.cj