Russia’s regions have been experiencing increasing inequality in per capita income after transition, with spatial inequality accounting for one-third of total inequality which constitutes the highest level of spatial inequality within Europe (Yemtsov). While inequality is not uncommon in large and versatile countries with heterogeneous ethnicities and vast differences in economic capability (Gerry and Mickiewicz), the entrenchment of inequality poses questions regarding the ability and intent of Russian institutions in tackling this divergence. Much research has been done on the issue of inequality in Russia in recent years; this paper will discuss the causes that drive increasing spatial inequality after the transition from command to market economy, and will look at the more recent developments and trends in spatial inequality in Russia.
spatial inequality, income distribution
How to Cite
Mahler, C., (2011) “Diverging Fortunes: Recent Developments in Income Inequality across Russian Regions”, Opticon1826 10(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/opt.101103