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Cost of Living


like how a trolley rams into another trolley in the line of trolleys outside, its cagey nose – no it’s a headbutt through the other trolley’s backside and all the trolleys look like this when they’re lined up covered from rain awaiting the next customer trolley smacked into the queue. Nick says he once saw an angry guy still carrying his satsumas do a run up and dive through the rear trolley flap and make it through perhaps like three clanking trolleys’ arses before his momentum died. And trolleys take breaths when they’re not bunched together like that, when they’re being pushed around the supermarket, wonky-wheeled, sticky handlebar the kid in the seat based on the mousetrap design unwrapped that before mum’d paid for it. Nick and the boys once put cheese on one of those seats (don’t tell their manager, he’s called Tim, been here since 2005, it was shop cheese, unexpired) they left it overnight to see if there’d be a nibbler in the morning and if there was I guess their laughter and jostling would dampen as the lads considered while communicating without communicating, if you know what I mean, if they really were gonna slam the seat against the frame. But when they got in the people who restock overnight had put it all away even though they said on the group chat (Tim isn’t in it) not to.

How to Cite

Gorham, M., (2024) “Cost of Living”, Moveable Type 15(1), 134-136. doi:







Mark Gorham



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