This paper studies the impact of France’s 1958 constitutional transition from the French Fourth Republic to the French Fifth Republic. A difference-in-differences regression analysis compared the effect of France’s 1958 institutional change on French economic growth against a control group of 12 democratic European countries in the period 1948 – 1969. The regression analysis conducted suggested that the 1958 French constitutional change contributed an additional 2.73% GDP growth per year to French GDP growth in the period 1959 – 1969.
Keywords: Institutional Economics, Economic History, Difference-in-Differences, France
How to Cite:
Barlis, H., (2022) “Institutions and Economic Growth in Democratic Europe: France’s 1958 Transition From Fourth to Fifth Republic”, UCL Journal of Economics 1(1), 128–137. doi: https://doi.org/10.14324/111.444.2755-0877.1406
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