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A Revisit to Islamic Inter-Polity Legal Theory

Author: Salar Abbasi (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

  • A Revisit to Islamic Inter-Polity Legal Theory


    A Revisit to Islamic Inter-Polity Legal Theory



Thisarticle delves into the jurisprudential and legal theory aspects of the religionof Islam in regard to inter-polity laws and relations. The conceptualization ofIslamic inter-polity commands and laws follows a bright line criterion, for itclearly defines non-Muslim polities and people, categorizes them, and commandsIslamic polity’s approach in regard to non-Muslims in unequivocal terms. Theapproach of this article is neither polemic, nor protectionist; though itindeed is critical. To recognize veneration of an ideology is not tantamount todiscrediting or hampering critical explorations about it; and Islam is not an exception.The concern of this article is to shed light on fundamental pillars upon whichIslam’s inter-polity commands are formed and textually reinforced as beinglegally unquestionable and intrinsically legitimate. The discourses throughwhich the Islamic inter-polity legal theory is scrutinized, in this piece, arethe following: intrinsic legitimacy of the territorial and ideologicalexpansionism of Islam, and Islam’s ‘group identity’ politics in its private andpublic laws particularly reverberated in the notion of ‘Ummah’ orIslamic community.

Keywords: Islamic law, Islamic inter-polity legal thought, Quran, Ideological expansionism, Group-identity politics, The idea of Ummah or Islamic community

How to Cite:

Abbasi, S., (2023) “A Revisit to Islamic Inter-Polity Legal Theory”, Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 12(1), 1-23. doi:

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