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Deconstructing the Industrial Emissions Directive’s (2010/75/EU) Regulatory Standards: A Tale of Cautious Optimism

Author: Aliki Zeri

  • Deconstructing the Industrial Emissions Directive’s (2010/75/EU) Regulatory Standards: A Tale of Cautious Optimism

    Deconstructing the Industrial Emissions Directive’s (2010/75/EU) Regulatory Standards: A Tale of Cautious Optimism



Environmental policy has always been at the core of the EU’s activities. In 2010, the EU adopted the Industrial Emissions Directive (‘IED’). The IED considerably reformed the regulatory framework in this field and aimed to address concerns based on the lack of flexibility in EU governance. This contribution reviews the main characteristics of the IED’s second chapter, concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (‘IPPC’) and assesses their relevance to notions of centralisation or “legalism” as contrasted to de-centralisation and flexibility. It argues that even though the Directive makes some progress towards the right direction, a number of thorny issues still remain unresolved.

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How to Cite:

Zeri, A., (2015) “Deconstructing the Industrial Emissions Directive’s (2010/75/EU) Regulatory Standards: A Tale of Cautious Optimism”, Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 2(1).


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