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Author: Professor Dame Hazel Genn DBE QC

  • Foreword





It gives me great pleasure to introduce this new issue of the UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. Edited and produced entirely by students in the Faculty of Laws, the Journal has managed in the few years of its existence to become an essential source of academic commentary across a diverse range of legal topics. While building on UCL’s strengths in jurisprudence, and in the interdisciplinary and empirical-based research on legal systems, the Journal has seen an increase in submissions from academics or graduate students not affiliated with UCL, thus illustrating the excellent reputation it has achieved so far.

The Journal is now available on various international electronic journal databases, as well as in hard copy. This is due to the hard and meticulous work of the editorial board, composed of PhD and graduate students at UCL, and assisted by a Faculty editor. These students spend a considerable amount of time during term-time managing the journal, soliciting submissions, reviewing manuscripts submitted by their peers or by academics, suggesting revisions to the authors and editing the journal. This constitutes a formidable formative experience, actually research in action, and provides an introduction to the intricacies of academic research and to the collective effort that is needed to produce and diffuse knowledge and new ideas, the principal mission of a University. In doing so, they have received training on the high standards of professionalism required for the preparation of a first class research publication disseminated throughout the world. They have also learned and refined their analytical skills and critical thinking to a level that enables them to be in a better position to achieve their future career ambitions.

How to Cite:

Genn DBE QC, P., (2015) “Foreword”, Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 3(1).


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