Theory and the Doctrinal International Lawyer

Author: Roger O'Keefe

  • Theory and the Doctrinal International Lawyer

    Theory and the Doctrinal International Lawyer



How to lose friends and influence people prejudicially? Say ‘theory’ to a doctrinal international lawyer. Choose your target particularly unwisely and you may even have her reaching for her gun. At least this is the stereotype. The popular image, especially among theorists, is that ‘black-letter’ international lawyers are hostile to theoretical approaches to their field. Like many popular images, there is a grain of truth in it. Ditto, it is a caricature. Doctrinal international lawyers are more latitudinarian than infamy allows. Some of their best friends are theorists, while some go so far as to dabble in the black arts themselves. It takes all sorts.


NB: full text is availabe here:

How to Cite:

O'Keefe, R., (2015) “Theory and the Doctrinal International Lawyer”, Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 4(2).

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Published on
19 Oct 2015
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#755 Summary

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Authors Roger O'Keefe Mail
Title Theory and the Doctrinal International Lawyer
Original file 755-887-1-SM.pdf  2015-10-19
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Submitter UCLJLJ Editor Mail
Date submitted 2015-10-19
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Editor UCLJLJ Editor Mail       2015-10-19 Delete
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Status Published    Vol 4, No 2 (2015) Reject and Archive Submission
Initiated 2015-10-19
Last modified 2016-11-07

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Name Roger O'Keefe Mail
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Principal contact for editorial correspondence.

Title and Abstract

Title Theory and the Doctrinal International Lawyer

How to lose friends and influence people prejudicially? Say ‘theory’ to a doctrinal international lawyer. Choose your target particularly unwisely and you may even have her reaching for her gun. At least this is the stereotype. The popular image, especially among theorists, is that ‘black-letter’ international lawyers are hostile to theoretical approaches to their field. Like many popular images, there is a grain of truth in it. Ditto, it is a caricature. Doctrinal international lawyers are more latitudinarian than infamy allows. Some of their best friends are theorists, while some go so far as to dabble in the black arts themselves. It takes all sorts.


NB: full text is availabe here:


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