On 3 November 2014 the first annual UCL Laws Postgraduate and Early Career Conference was successfully held in London. Around 45 attendees participated in the one-day event comprising four separate panels and two concurrent workshops. The enthusiastic response to the call for abstracts, over 80 abstracts from all over the world, posed a first challenge to the organising committee. In order to showcase as many PhD students and early career scholars as possible, the number of presenters per panel was increased from three to four and a poster session was added to each panel. As a result, the day was packed with excellent presentations and thought-provoking discussion.
How to Cite:
Keall, A.,
(2015) “UCL Laws Inaugural Postgraduate & Early Career Conference”,
Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 4(2).
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UCL Laws Inaugural Postgraduate & Early Career Conference
On 3 November 2014 the first annual UCL Laws Postgraduate and Early Career Conference was successfully held in London. Around 45 attendees participated in the one-day event comprising four separate panels and two concurrent workshops. The enthusiastic response to the call for abstracts, over 80 abstracts from all over the world, posed a first challenge to the organising committee. In order to showcase as many PhD students and early career scholars as possible, the number of presenters per panel was increased from three to four and a poster session was added to each panel. As a result, the day was packed with excellent presentations and thought-provoking discussion.