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This article examines the impact of austerity on access to justice for women. It attempts to engage seriously with the key concepts of austerity and access to justice, before arguing that the impact of austerity on access to justice has been especially grave for women. This is because women have borne the brunt of the funding cuts both in terms of justice-specific policies and public sector spending more broadly. As there is a strong link between financial hardship and deficient access to justice, the latter is essential in illustrating the ramifications of austerity for access to justice in full. The article goes on to highlight that for victims of domestic violence, these ramifications amount to a violation of the United Kingdom’s international obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination and Violence Against Women.
How to Cite:
McNeil, A., (2019) “Are we all in this together? Exploring the impact of austerity on access to justice for women”, Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 8(2).
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