Interview with scholar, translator and lexicographer Donald Rayfield
Donald Rayfield
(Queen Mary, University of London)
Donald Rayfield is Emeritus Professor of Russian and Georgian at Queen Mary, University of London. He has been at the forefront of Georgian studies for many years and has published widely on Georgia, authoring several major studies on its literature and history, and translating works by Galaktion Tabidze, Otar Chiladze, Akaki Tsereteli and, most recently, Mikheil Javakhishvili. Slovo meets him to find out about the past, present and (speculative) future of this rich but much underrepresented literature in the Anglophone world.
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Interview with scholar, translator and lexicographer Donald Rayfield
Donald Rayfield is Emeritus Professor of Russian and Georgian at Queen Mary, University of London. He has been at the forefront of Georgian studies for many years and has published widely on Georgia, authoring several major studies on its literature and history, and translating works by Galaktion Tabidze, Otar Chiladze, Akaki Tsereteli and, most recently, Mikheil Javakhishvili. Slovo meets him to find out about the past, present and (speculative) future of this rich but much underrepresented literature in the Anglophone world.