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Regional Enlightenment in Transylvania: The educational reforms of Bishop Petru Pavel Aron, their influences and effects on the Uniate society in Transylvania in the Age of Enlightenment

Regional Enlightenment in Transylvania: The educational reforms of Bishop Petru Pavel Aron, their influences and effects on the Uniate society in Transylvania in the Age of Enlightenment



The Transylvanian Enlightenment is a very contained phenomenon, yet fully fledged, attributed to a group of intellectuals in the last two decades of the eighteenth century known as the Transylvanian School. However, efforts towards Enlightenment appear much sooner, made possible by Uniate Bishop Inochentie Micu Klein’s ideas and especially through the actions of his successor, Petru Pavel Aron. With the financial help of the Habsburg Empire, particularly that of Empress Maria Theresa, Bishop Aron created schools, a typography and an intellectual circle that established the foundation for the Transylvanian School. Largely under-researched, the Bishop’s educational efforts will be examined in this study to argue that Enlightenment among the ethnic Romanian population appeared in Transylvania in a peripheral form forty years earlier than the Transylvanian School.

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How to Cite:

Florutau, M., (2015) “Regional Enlightenment in Transylvania: The educational reforms of Bishop Petru Pavel Aron, their influences and effects on the Uniate society in Transylvania in the Age of Enlightenment”, Slovo 27(1).

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#533 Summary

#533 Summary


Authors Maria Iulia Florutau Mail
Title Regional Enlightenment in Transylvania: The educational reforms of Bishop Petru Pavel Aron, their influences and effects on the Uniate society in Transylvania in the Age of Enlightenment
Original file 533-599-1-SM.pdf  2015-05-31
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Submitter A.M. LaVey Mail
Date submitted 2015-05-31
Section Articles
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Abstract Views 1080


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Editor A.M. LaVey Mail       2015-05-31 Delete
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Status Published    Vol 27, No 1 (2015) Reject and Archive Submission
Initiated 2015-06-10
Last modified 2016-11-02

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Name Maria Iulia Florutau Mail
Affiliation School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), University College London
Country United Kingdom
Bio Statement
Principal contact for editorial correspondence.

Title and Abstract

Title Regional Enlightenment in Transylvania: The educational reforms of Bishop Petru Pavel Aron, their influences and effects on the Uniate society in Transylvania in the Age of Enlightenment

The Transylvanian Enlightenment is a very contained phenomenon, yet fully fledged, attributed to a group of intellectuals in the last two decades of the eighteenth century known as the Transylvanian School. However, efforts towards Enlightenment appear much sooner, made possible by Uniate Bishop Inochentie Micu Klein’s ideas and especially through the actions of his successor, Petru Pavel Aron. With the financial help of the Habsburg Empire, particularly that of Empress Maria Theresa, Bishop Aron created schools, a typography and an intellectual circle that established the foundation for the Transylvanian School. Largely under-researched, the Bishop’s educational efforts will be examined in this study to argue that Enlightenment among the ethnic Romanian population appeared in Transylvania in a peripheral form forty years earlier than the Transylvanian School.

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  • Published on 31 May 2015
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