Call for Papers Autumn 2023 Issue
Posted by Slovo on 2023-07-08
Slovo is accepting submissions for the 2023 Autumn Issue!
We are looking for original research papers written by postgraduate students and researchers on any topic relating to Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Russia, as well as book and film reviews relating to the region. Translations of works previously unpublished in English and original poetry are also especially encouraged. Submissions from a variety of perspectives and disciplines are welcomed.
Research articles should be 6-8,000 words, and book and film reviews should be 600-800 words. Please note that articles MUST be formatted according to the MHRA style guide or they will be rejected.
Please see the Slovo submissions page for more detailed information, or contact us through the form on the website for any submission related queries! The deadline for submissions is the 10th of August.