Slovo Spotlight: Interview with Book Editor Giada Malugani
Posted by Slovo on 2023-10-19
In the lead up to handing over to the next Slovo Editorial Team, we are running a series of interviews with the current team about the ins and outs of their role and their experience working at Slovo. Applications are open now until 23:59 on the 16th November. Apply through this link. We can't wait to read your applications!
Following our interview with General Editors Nathan Alan-Lee, Lindsay Robinot-Jones, and Joshua Robinson, we spoke to Book Editor Giada Malugani about her first time editing and to-be-read list!
Why did you apply for the role of Book Editor?
GM: Last year I applied for multiple positions within the Slovo editor team - including Book Editor! I wanted to challenge myself with something new as I had no prior experience in editing and Slovo was the perfect opportunity to dip my toes in the world of academic journals!
What was the process of working with authors like?
GM: Working with authors was really rewarding! I was exposed to a lot of literature outside of my comfort zone, I received book reviews, poems and prose about different topics. Working with the authors definitely made me curious about expanding my to-be-read list into topics and subjects I never thought about before.
What was the most rewarding part about being book editor?
GM: It’s really difficult to choose one single aspect of my role I found the most rewarding. So, here’s two: Firstly, I enjoyed working with my peers in the Editorial Team - as everybody on the Slovo Team was a new-comer to their respective roles and all were students, it was a very easy going environment which made me comfortable to voice my opinion and allowed me to make great friends in the team!! Secondly, the launch party for the Spring 2023 issue was extremely rewarding. After months of editing we got to get together, meet the authors, and discuss the pieces in the issue. Furthermore, it was great to have a moment of celebration with my fellow editors and the authors!
What was challenging about the role? Did anything surprise you?
GM: The most challenging part was editing poems, as I am not a literature student, I had to reach out to different professors at SSEES in order to assess whether the poems were publishable or not. Luckily, all professors I reached out too were extremely helpful and available for all my questions.
Has this made you curious about further work in academia or publishing?
GM: Definitely!! I am considering working in the publishing sector in the future!
Any book recommendations for our readers?
GM: One book I really wished I received a review about is “Sovietistan” by Erika Fatland. I really hope to read a review about it in the coming issues of Slovo!
Book Editor responsibilities:
Going back and forth with authors in the editing process of book reviews and literary submissions.
Help organise the launch events.
Present the work of the authors at the launch events - in the instance the authors could not attend in person.
Liaise with publishers, the SSEES library and others to garner book reviews for publication.