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Frigide Barjot; homophile malgré tout?


Frigide Barjot is the dethroned leader of the Manif pour tous movement that saw hundreds of thousands take to the street to protest against the gay marriage and adoption bill in France from late 2012 onwards. Despite what many claimed to be the self-evident homophobia of the movement, through the denial of equal rights to all, Barjot ferociously maintained and proclaimed her homophilic proclivities, and instead shrouded her arguments against gay marriage and adoption in notions of protection of natural ‘filiation’, the rights of the child and ultimately the promotion of the heterosexual (one man/one woman) family unit above all others. It is through this overt heterosexism, however, that one could perfectly well oppose gay marriage and remain a homophile, or in the least attempt to divest oneself of the charge of homophobia. This paper explores the extent to which this homophilic/homophobic split was maintained by Barjot through the analysis of three of her published works, before, during and after the Manifs pour tous, and the extent to which this split was borne out by other members of the movement, and places this within shifting notions of French republicanism.

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DOI: 10.14324/111.2057-2212.063

How to Cite

Kiely, J., (2016) “Frigide Barjot; homophile malgré tout?”, Tropos 3(1).


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Jack Kiely (University College London)


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