The world cities discourse can be credited with broadening the analytical boundaries of the globalisation debate to include a greater set of actors and practices in the global economy. However, academic debate and policy thinking about world cities are also guilty of applying an (economic) reductionist framework, as exemplified by their foremost use of quantitative methodologies. This has resulted in the omission of many important elements of city life from the analysis. While this problem is not exclusive to culture, it has significant implications for the study of cultural practices in the context of world cities; even more so when they do not fit into formal structures. This paper challenges this reductionist practice. It argues that in order to better understand world cities today, a broader set of issues – and methodologies to interrogate them – needs to be considered.
How to Cite
Chouguley, U., (2016) “World Cities, Culture and Informality: A Challenge to the Practice of Boundary-Setting”, Tropos 3(1).