Belonging is depicted as ethically transgressive in Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist, which deconstructs belonging (as in a state of ownership) to the self’s longing (be longing) for what is eternally elusive or other about itself. Hamid’s novel demonstrates that this longing implicates the self in sacrificial violence against others. The collusive link between longing and violence in the novel is discussed in this paper with reference to Jacques Derrida’s The Gift of Death, which argues that responsibility to the other is contingent on the sacrificial violence of love.
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DOI: 10.14324/111.2057-2212.069
How to Cite
Ahmed, A., (2017) “The Transgressions of Belonging in Mohsin Hamid’s: The Reluctant Fundamentalist”, Tropos 4(1).