Interactions, Trade and Mobility in Archaeology edited by Karampas and Falezza is a summative work of the 2021 Graduate Archaeology Oxford conference. Its purpose is to present the work of young researchers from different institutions on three subjects: social interactions, trade and maritime networks. Its chapters are subdivided into three groups each dedicated to one of these specific topics. The following article provides a summary and review of the research presented within this book.
Keywords: Trade, Mobility, Interactions, Maritime networks, Social interactions, Archaeology, Computational archaeology, GAO, Graduate Archaeology Oxford conference
How to Cite:
Cecatiello, S., (2024) “‘Review of Interactions, Trade and Mobility in Archaeology, Proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Oxford (GAO) Conference 2021’.”, Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 34(1), 43-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.14324/111.444.2041-9015.1839
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