The cave of Nossa Senhora das Lapas is a small diaclase in the Dogger limestones that define the left margin of the river Nabao, 10 km north of Tomar, in central Portugal. Excavation of the sire began in 1988, as part of a research programme concerned with the late prehistory of the North Ribatejo, and it forms a part of a necropolis of several burial caves. The aim of this excavation was to study the single evidence of a cave burial which was in use from c. 5000 B.C. to c. 3000 B.C.
Keywords: cave burials, prehistory
How to Cite:
Oosterbeek, L., (1993) “Senhora das Lapas: excavation of prehistoric cave burials in central Portugal”, Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 4(1), 49-62. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/pia.46
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