Forum 2014: Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
Responses are given by a selection of young archaeologists, all of who use their own personal experiences to raise emerging - but obscure - challenges encountered in the progression of their career. These emerging challenges are ongoing themes in contemporary archaeology, which impede the further professionalisation of archaeology and cause obstacles for those wishing to pursue the profession. Many archaeologists declined to contribute in fear of shooting themselves in the foot should they rock the boat. Those who remain bring these important issues to the fore. Responses are from: PhD candidate Oliver Boles, NHM's Brenna Hassett, (un)free archaeology's Samuel Hardy and #freearchaeology's Emily Johnson. We hope this forum highlights the 'new' areas of under-representation that today's archaeologists are facing.
Investing in Urban Studies to Ensure Urban Archaeology’s Future: A Response to ‘The Challenges and Opportunities for Mega-infrastructure Projects and Archaeology’
Meredith Linn
2013-10-08 Forum 2014: Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
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The Africanisation of African Archaeology: What are the Implications for a “World Archaeology” Department?
Oliver Boles
2014-10-19 Forum 2014: Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
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Concluding Comment on Responses to Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
Sue Hamilton
2014-10-19 Forum 2014: Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
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Why Archaeologists Must Stop Working for Free: A Response Inspired by The #FreeArchaeology Debate
Emily Johnson
2014-10-19 Forum 2014: Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
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Obstacles to Career Progression in Archaeology: Precarious Labour and Unemployment
Samuel Hardy
2014-10-19 Forum 2014: Under-Representation in Contemporary Archaeology
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