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Jonathan Gardner


Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh

United Kingdom


 Jonathan Gardner is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow basedat Edinburgh College of Art (University of Edinburgh). As an archaeologist, hehas a strong interest in how the materials of the past shape the present andfuture. He recently investigated the archaeology and heritage of large-scaleLondon mega events (including the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the 2012 Olympicand Paralympic Games). His book on this subject was published in 2022: A Contemporary Archaeology of London’s MegaEvents (UCL Press).


Rubble Archaeology on the North Edinburgh Shoreline: Creative Research in the Time of COVID-19

Jonathan Gardner

2024-01-26 Volume 35 • Issue 1 • 2024 • Special Issue: Plague and Prejudice: Archaeology, COVID-19 and the Resurgence of Social Justice Movements • 24–57