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Research Paper

Rethinking Latin American Archaeology: "Affective Alliances" and Traditional Community-Engagement

Author: Marianne Sallum (University of São Paulo)

  • Rethinking Latin American Archaeology: "Affective Alliances" and Traditional Community-Engagement

    Research Paper

    Rethinking Latin American Archaeology: "Affective Alliances" and Traditional Community-Engagement



The integration of archaeology and community engagement in Latin America remains a new challenge, largely because the multiple social configurations, practices, and theories intrinsic in each need to be considered instead of creating a  unified pattern. In Brazil, there are more than 16,000 communities of Indigenous, Maroon, and traditional membership, all with many demands that test the collaborative capacity of researchers. Seeking a basis for action within a decolonization perspective, this paper provides the theoretical background that outlines some benefits of an affective alliance and collaboration based on the equivalence of knowledge and practices from different epistemes. This paper also offers regional cases of the persistence of agroforestry communities that require the re-evaluation of academic and bureaucratic erasure. On one side, the Tupi Guarani of Peruíbe that manifest interest in recovering the language and practices of their ancestors. On the other side, the persistence of social and cultural practices that started in Indigenous contexts but extended beyond them, with people from different places and times joining the communities of women potters.

Keywords: Indigenous People, Ceramic Practices, Traditional Communities, Decolonisation, Gender

How to Cite:

Sallum, M., (2023) “Rethinking Latin American Archaeology: "Affective Alliances" and Traditional Community-Engagement”, Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 34(1), 1-42. doi:

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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
FundRef ID
Funding ID
2019/17868–0, 2019/18664–9, 2021/09619-0



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