Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18




Andrew Shapland

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 1-2


Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities

Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities

Kathryn Tubb

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 3-9

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?"

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?"

Sir John Boardman

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 10-11

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?"

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?"

Dr Neil Brodie

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 12-15

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?": Scholars for Sale.

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?": Scholars for Sale.

Ricardo Elia

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 16-18

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?"

Comment on "Irreconcilable differences?"

Lawrence Kaye

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 19-22

Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities: Reply to Boardman, Brodie, Elia and Kaye

Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities: Reply to Boardman, Brodie, Elia and Kaye

Kathryn Tubb

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 23-25


Editor of British Archaeology

Editor of British Archaeology

Mike Pitts

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 26-38

Research Paper

Landscapes of the Prehistoric Veneto, Italy. A Plurality of Local Identities Reflected in Cult and Landscape Perception

Landscapes of the Prehistoric Veneto, Italy. A Plurality of Local Identities Reflected in Cult and Landscape Perception

Sarah De Nardi

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 39-56

Portable Material Culture and Death Factory Auschwitz

Portable Material Culture and Death Factory Auschwitz

Adrian Myers

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 57-69

Women’s Voices in a Male World: Actions, Bodies, and Spaces Among the Ancient Maya

Women’s Voices in a Male World: Actions, Bodies, and Spaces Among the Ancient Maya

Elisa Perego

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 70-83

Bifacial Elements in Continental Northwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Cycle (MIS5d-3): The Relationship between Mousterian, Micoquian and ‘Mixed’ Assemblages.

Bifacial Elements in Continental Northwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Cycle (MIS5d-3): The Relationship between Mousterian, Micoquian and ‘Mixed’ Assemblages.

Karen Reubens

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 84-100

Subjectivity Inherent In By-Eye Symmetry Judgements and the Large Cutting Tools at the Cave of Hearths, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Subjectivity Inherent In By-Eye Symmetry Judgements and the Large Cutting Tools at the Cave of Hearths, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Dave Underhill

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 101-113

Sex and Gender Related Health Status Differences in Ancient and Contemporary Skeletal Populations

Sex and Gender Related Health Status Differences in Ancient and Contemporary Skeletal Populations

Velissaria Vanna

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 114-147

Community Participation in Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Management in China: A Case Study of Xianrendong Ethnic Cultural and Ecological Village

Community Participation in Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Management in China: A Case Study of Xianrendong Ethnic Cultural and Ecological Village

Judy Xu

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 148-160

Short Report

A Brief Note on the 2007 Excavation at Ille Cave, Palawan, the Philippines

A Brief Note on the 2007 Excavation at Ille Cave, Palawan, the Philippines

Yvette Balbaligo

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 161-166

Ongoing Archaeological Investigations on Carriacou, West Indies: 2nd July – 3rd August 2007

Ongoing Archaeological Investigations on Carriacou, West Indies: 2nd July – 3rd August 2007

Quetta Kaye, Scott Burnett, Scott Fitzpatrick and Michiel Kappers

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 167-176


“World Archaeological Congress. Inter-Congress: Threats to Archaeology – Its Importance, Values and Development", University of the West Indies, Jamaica, 20th – 26th May 2007

“World Archaeological Congress. Inter-Congress: Threats to Archaeology – Its Importance, Values and Development", University of the West Indies, Jamaica, 20th – 26th May 2007

Fay Stevens

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 177-180

Eastwood, E. and Eastwood, C. 2006. Capturing the Spoor. An Exploration of Southern African Rock Art.

Eastwood, E. and Eastwood, C. 2006. Capturing the Spoor. An Exploration of Southern African Rock Art.

Paul Hubbard

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 181-183

Chapman, J and Gaydarska, B. 2007. Parts and Wholes: Fragmentation in Prehistoric Context.

Chapman, J and Gaydarska, B. 2007. Parts and Wholes: Fragmentation in Prehistoric Context.

Steven Matthews

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 184-189

Fagan, B. 2006. Writing Archaeology: Telling Stories About the Past.

Fagan, B. 2006. Writing Archaeology: Telling Stories About the Past.

Gabriel Moshenska

2007-11-15 Volume 18 • 2007 • Volume 18 • 190-192