About this Journal

Moveable Type is the Graduate, Peer-Reviewed Journal of the UCL English Department. 

It aims to provide a platform to showcase the high-quality work produced by students and researchers across the world. However, it also believes in the importance of helping early career researchers and students to enter the world of peer-reviewed academic publishing. 

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions about what we do. 

Latest News Posts
DEADLINE EXTENSION: Moveable Type 2024 Call for Papers: Promise
Posted by The Moveable Type editorial team on 2024-06-16

We have extended our deadline for Moveable Type: Promise to July 15, 2024. A promise is an essentially human speech act – a performative utterance of intended action which assumes or conceives an imagined, but uncertain ethical responsibility to our future selves. Self-reflexive, and anchoring, it both constrains and creates the self to come; as an intersubjective force, it binds and [...]

Full Issue

Editorial Introduction

Academic article

Book review

Creative writing

Artwork Submission

Contributor Biographies