Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Volume 29

Digital Dilemma 2018

Cara Hirst, Suzanna White, Michael Rivera, Lisa Monetti, Rachael Carew and Thomas Siek

2020-03-07 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Volume 29

The Histological Paradox: Methodology and Efficacy of Dental Sectioning

Christopher Aris

2020-03-07 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Volume 29

Getting to grips with 3D printed bones: Using 3D models as ‘diagrams’ to improve accessibility of palaeopathological data

Stephanie Evelyn-Wright, Alex Dickinson and Sonia Zakrzewski

2020-03-07 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Volume 29

Digital Dilemma 2018: Digital Presentations in Biological Anthropology and Bioarchaeology

Thomas J Siek, Cara S Hirst, Lisa Monetti, Michael B C Rivera, Suzanna White and Rachael M Carew

2020-12-17 Volume 29 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Volume 29